How It Works
Use this special article from TeacherFirst to refresh and enliven your health and nutrition unit. Discover many activities, books, and resources to use in your classroom or online in your health and nutrition lessons, and also to implement in cross-curricular instruction. Employ both ISTE Standards for Students and AASL National School Library Standards. The ideas and activties can range in grade levels from kindergarten to seventh grade. This is only one of many classroom-ready articles in our <a href="/exclusives/moreless/librarian/index.cfm">Help! I lost my library/media specialist!</a>.
In the Classroom
This is a thorough unit on food and nutrition. Start with activating prior knowledge on your interactive whiteboard or using your projector. Use Padlet, <a href=""> reviewed here</a>, once students have sorted their favorites into categories and project the results on your whiteboard. When teaching science, social studies, or health content about nutrition, foods, plants, or farms, consider pairing fictional books along with informational texts (several are suggested) to maximize the potential of every unit of study. This article is a good starting point. What a perfect way to integrate healthy eating, whether during the holiday season or spring garden planting! Speaking of planting, whether you are considering or implementing a school garden unit you will want to check out <a href="">this article</a>.
Technology Heads-up!
- Find interactive ABC's, colors, etc.
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