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Grade Range: 6 - 11
CrowdGrader is a site for submitting and collaboratively grading homework assignments. Log in through any Google Account to view, manage, and create student accounts and assignments. Create guidelines for homework such as individual or group work, submissions, and review deadlines. You can submit homework via attachments or using Google documents. View the review duties for other student assignments in an anonymous fashion assigning a grade and rank based on other submissions reviewed. After completion of all peer reviews, teachers receive all reviews for final grading. Export results in various spreadsheet formats. Once the review phase closes, students receive feedback on their assignments with final grades and class rank.
In the Classroom
Use CrowdGrader for short, written homework. Use with problem solving assignments as a tool for students to view how other students have tackled the same assignment and as a resource for learning rubrics. Be sure to demonstrate how to use Crowd Grader using your interactive whiteboard or projector and to talk about proper netiquette in peer grading. All students need a Google account to use Crowd Grader. This site would be an excellent resource for collaborating with other classrooms. Incorporate the site as an extension activity after Skyping with another classroom. Note: be sure to check your school’s policy about peer grading. Some schools do not allow this.
At Home
rubrics, homework, assessment,
English, Language Arts, Math, Reading, Science, Social Studies, Social Studies, TeachersFirst Edge, Writing,