WordSense.eu - dictionary

Creator: Dirk Moosbach | visit site

Grade Range: 6 - 11

WordSense.eu is part dictionary and part thesaurus, based on Wiktionary information. Type in any word in the search bar to view word origin, definitions, synonyms, and more. This site provides a multitude of information about the words. Click on underlined words within a definition to view their definitions. <i>Our editors note that this is an unabridged dictionary including words not appropriate for school. Discuss consequences of inappropriate use and/or avoiding using this resource with immature students. </i>.

In the Classroom

Use Word Sense on your interactive whiteboard (or projector) to explore word origins, definitions, and more. This is a great site to use as a resource for a word of the day or word of the week. Choose a word and have students create a word cloud of the important terms they learn from this site using a tool such as Wordle (<a href="/single.cfm?id=9465">reviewed here</a>), Tagxedo (<a href="/single.cfm?id=11005">reviewed here</a>), or WordItOut (<a href="/single.cfm?id=10707">reviewed here</a>). Share this site on your class website or blog for students to access at home for writing projects. Use this tool to decipher words when studying word roots and affixes. As students prepare for the SAT, have them explore and attempt to figure out words based on roots, etc.

At Home

Share Word Sense with your teen as a resource for finding definitions and word origins of any word.


root words, word study, prefixes, dictionaries, thesaurus, suffixes, vocabulary development, vocabulary,


English, ESL/ELL, Geography (US/World), History & Culture: World, Information Literacy/Research, Language Arts, Reading, Special Education, Writing,