How It Works
Explore a wealth of images, research, and information about human origins in this visually rich site from the National Museum of Natural History. View "Human Evolution Evidence," "Human Evolution Research," and "Human Characteristics," as well as other resources. Don’t miss the 3D views of fossils. It’s even better than an actual museum visit, since you can move and rotate the objects yourself.
In the Classroom
View specific topics such as "Tools and Food" under "Human Characteristics." Read the material as it explains the science behind the time and use estimations. Challenge students to describe how scientists have derived at an explanation provided. Follow up with "Fossil Forensics: Interactive" under "Human Evolution Research" to see the specific portions scientists are talking about. Here, 3D pictures including microscopic views have details circled for better understanding. You may want to have this set up at a computer in your room as a "center," or have the url on your website, where students can make further investigations on their own.
Technology Heads-up!
- Find interactive ABC's, colors, etc.
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