How It Works
This site contains several interactive geography activities. Interactives are broken down into the categories of Capitals, States, and Landscapes. Each of those categories has several levels that are guaranteed to challenge all learners.
In the Classroom
This site can be used in many ways. Use the tutorials on an interactive whiteboard or projector with the whole group to introduce the site. When using as a whole group, provide students with a map so everyone can participate in the activity. The site can then be used as a center, for individual work in a computer lab or can be assigned as a challenge activity for advanced learners. If your students are learning the regions of the United States, state capitals, state locations, or landforms, be sure to list this link on your class website for students to access both in and out of the classroom. There are some ads but they are not overwhelming.
Technology Heads-up!
- Find interactive ABC's, colors, etc.
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