Creator: SAS institute Inc. | visit site
Grade Range: 6 - 11
Create a free account to this great resource site for teachers. After verification of your account, a login code is displayed for use with your students. Students use the login and type in their name before starting an activity. The site has resources for all subjects in the Middle school and High School levels. Audio support is available for the text. The engaging activities use lower-level thinking skills that engage higher order skills. The products work in the classroom in large part because teachers shape every phase of the planning and production process. This site uses standards and the Common Core to clarify the content in the core academic disciplines. The value of the resource lies in the focus on difficult to explain concepts that are enriched through the use of technology based resources using audio, video, and interactivity. Students "do" and "see" in order to understand the difficult concepts. Lessons have the following parts: classroom activity, web lesson, and project. InterActivities allow students to explore, apply, and analyze using online tools.
In the Classroom
Use the more than 200 Interactive activities and 855 ready-to-use lessons to provide technology-rich lessons to teach many of the most difficult concepts in the core subjects. Use the variety of assessment options that are found within each lesson. Note the Quick Launch numbers on the resource you will be using to direct students to the correct activity. Example activities include a Web Inquiry which is a guided and self-paced investigation that is built around a focus question.
At Home
If you are a homeschooling family or simply want to help your student grasp tough concepts, be sure to check out this FREE resource loaded with over 200 interactives and over 800 ready-to-to lesson plans.
grammar, operations, literature, numbers, statistics, probability, cells, evolution, genetics, motion, africa, europe, architecture, verbs,
Algebra, American History, Art, Astronomy & Space, Biology/Life Science, Chemistry, Computer Literacy, Earth Science/Geology, Economics, English, Geography (US/World), Geometry, Government/Civics: U.S, History & Culture: Europe, History & Culture: World, Language Arts, Math, Reading, Science, Social Studies, Social Studies, Writing,