How It Works
Developed as part of the National Humanities Center’s Online Professional Development "Toolbox" series, this site offers history and government teachers a wonderfully succinct resource kit for building one or more lesson units. Divided into five sections: religion, domesticity, common man, expansion, and America - 1850, the site offers introductions and a set of primary source readings for each, along with presentation guidelines and discussion suggestions. This one encourages students to draw their own conclusions.
In the Classroom
Use this site to allow students to dramatize the events that occurred in 1850, leading up to the civil war. Sharing the site on an interactive whiteboard or projector, open up the section entitled "America in 1850," and assign students roles, by the documents have provided. Once students have read their "parts," or appropriate reading guides, encourage them to re-enact their character’s words. Re-enacting the events will show all sides of the argument, and provide a more tangible learning experience. Extremely useful in any American History or Civics class!
Technology Heads-up!
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