How It Works
Develop mindmaps and concept maps with this easy to use tool that works both on and offline. Follow the tutorial to start and learn the basic tools within the app. Use the site’s dashboard to select and change font size and color, add and move branches, and move your mindmap anywhere on the grid. When finished, save your mindmap to your computer or cloud storage sites like Google Drive using the provided links. Choose the Export as Image option to download your mindmap as a PNG file.
In the Classroom
Assign students to "map" out a chapter or story. Assign groups to create study guides using this tool. Use this tool for literature activities, research projects, social studies, or science topics. Use this to create family trees or food pyramids in family and consumer science. Have students collaborate (online) to create group mind maps or review charts before tests on a given subject. Have students organize any concepts you study. They can color code concepts to show what they understand, wonder, and question. Have students map out a story, plot line, or plan for the future. Students can also map out a step-by-step process (such as a life cycle or how to solve an equation). Include your mind maps with multimedia projects to create an online book. Book Creator, reviewed here, offers many options for creating digital books including video, images, text, and more.
Technology Heads-up!
- Find interactive ABC's, colors, etc.
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