Creator: EdLab | visit site
Grade Range: 3 - 11
A Vialogue is an online video with a group discussion feature. Upload a video of your own, from YouTube or one of the public videos available on Vialogue. Define the purpose of the Vialogue, provide some discussion questions, and click create to finish. Settings are easy to manage, including adding participants, managers, and making videos public or private. View comments with a time stamp connected to the section of the video discussed. Register using email and a unique user name.
In the Classroom
If you don’t feel comfortable creating your own Vialogue, use the explore feature of the site to view Vialogues previously created by others. Use for teaching a concept with students viewing portions of videos and chatting content and main points with each other. Use for reviewing materials for exams or to prepare for project creation. Set up a snow day or evening video viewing time and URL to watch and discuss videos together with the teacher for extra help or enrichment. As an online back to school night, share a video at a specified time and invite parents to join you and chat their questions. Offer video/chat how-to sessions for major projects, such as science fair or other independent work. Enhance video instructions for any major assignment by scheduling a watch together session. Use with Khan Academy videos for math class. World language teachers could challenge students to chat new dialogue in their new language. Special ed teachers can create Vialogues with prompts to help students focus on key concepts in a video.
At Home
Share this with your family as a study resource. Have your teen upload videos and "chat" with friends to discuss any classroom topic.
Professional, Special Education, TeachersFirst Edge, World Languages, World Languages,