The U.S. Map Distorted by Population

Creator: MyLife | visit site

Grade Range: 2 - 11

The U.S. Map Distorted by Population offers a visual look at the size of states based solely on population. Follow the link in the short article to find the actual populations of each state. This simple image provides a good introduction to population vs geographic size of states.

In the Classroom

This site is perfect for use on your interactive whiteboard or projector. Before sharing, have students create a list of what they think are the smallest and biggest states, then compare using the image map. Ask students to list what they think may be the most populated states and compare with this map. Use this image as a starting point for group projects. Challenge students to create similar maps based on average income, farm output, manufacturing, or other statistics. Have students use one of the many mapping tools available from the TeachersFirst Edge. Have students compare geographic state size to population size and discuss reasons for differences. For enrichment, have students find populations from 100 years ago and recreate this map using those statistics.

At Home

Share this image with your student during his studies of the states. Discuss differences in the geographic size and population size and why they might be different.


population, states,


Geography (US/World), Social Studies, Social Studies,