Creator: TrueTube | visit site
Grade Range: 8 - 11
Find videos related to social education, health, citizenship, religions, the environment, crime, and countless eclectic topics at this UK-based site. Though some are controversial, this is a great set of resources for the introduction of difficult subjects to a class. Choose from subjects on the left margin, including Body and Health, Crime, Culture, and more. Many of the videos deal with worldwide issues from a non-U.S. point of view, offering a different perspective. Several videos have lesson plans. <b>Be sure to preview videos before you share. Some do deal with rather controversial topics. If necessary, check with your administration about the appropriate use of these videos before sharing withe the class OR sharing the link on your class website.</b>
In the Classroom
Share specific videos on your projector or interactive whiteboard. Use a video to introduce a debate topic or as a prompt for persuasive writing. As a media literacy exercise, ask students to find another video (perhaps on YouTube) that presents an opposing viewpoint on the same topic as one here. Then challenge cooperative learning groups to create their own videos on this or another controversial topic being discussed in class. Share the videos using a tool such as TeacherTube <a href="/single.cfm?id=9419">reviewed here</a>.
At Home
Share these videos with your student when discussing one of the topics. Use these videos to help answer the "tough" questions or help you and your teen clarify opinions on something controversial.
architecture, poetry, mental health, diseases, sexuality, social skills, religions, digital citizenship, environment, persuasive writing, writing prompts, media literacy,
Biology/Life Science, Character Education, Current Events, Drama, Economics, Family and Consumer Science, Geography (US/World), Government/Civics: U.S, Health, History & Culture: Europe, History & Culture: World, Science, Social Studies, Social Studies,