Creator: Jerome White | visit site
Grade Range: 7 - 11
New Orleans Math Teacher, Jerome White, has created this site to share his classroom productions with others. He has produced videos fashioned after popular songs with Math themes. Examples are Super Geek sung to the tune of Super Freak, I Solved for X to the tune of I Kissed a Girl, and many more. Videos are presented through YouTube and most are also linked to an original posting with an explanation of the contents. Be sure to also check out his Math Nerdiness page which features his Mathematical explanation of Parallel Parking, Sine Cradle, Rational Functions explanations, and other "Nerdiness." Other linked portions of the site are for more mature students, such as the tattoo designs done by calculus students. The videos are hosted on YouTube. If your district blocks YouTube, then they may not be viewable.
In the Classroom
This is a great find for gifted students or to lure in disengaged math students. Allow them to explore the Math Nerdiness and investigate the Mathematical explanations contained there. Share the videos with students on your interactive whiteboard or projector to add a little humor to Math class. Challenge students to create their own video or multimedia presentations using current Math content. Share the videos on a site such as TeacherTube reviewed here.
At Home
If you have a math lover in your family, share these unique (and fun) videos.
geometric shapes, humor, angles, quadratics,