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Watch a live feed of Siku, the Danish polar bear at Scandinavian Wildlife Park, Denmark. Find other resources and videos by clicking on Take Action at the top and bottom of the page. That link goes to Polar Bear International, and here you will find various lesson plans and a clip for the IMax movie <I>To the Arctic</I>.
In the Classroom
Use this site when discussing climate change or habitat destruction. View the live feeds and note the characteristics that polar bears have and research the difference between them and every other type of bear. Discuss these similarities and differences when discussing animals structures, adaptations, classification or characteristics of living things. Write stories about a polar bear’s life, create a campaign to save endangered species, and recognize other threatened species near where you live. Be sure to investigate the lesson plans by clicking on the Take Action buttons. Most of the lesson plans aim to inform and to prevent destruction of the polar bear’s habitat in the Arctic. In primary grades, have the class keep a basic observation journal at a polar bear center where they can watch the webcam and record what they see. Consider sharing several different animal cams for students to gain practice at observation.
At Home
Share this site with your family and learn more about what you can do to save the polar habitat.
adaptations, habitats, ecosystems, endangered species, animals,