GDP: Measuring the human side of the Canadian Economic Crisis

Creator: National Film Board of Canada | visit site

Grade Range: 8 - 11

The National Film Board of Canada documented the economic crisis through short films and photo essays between 2008 and 2010. We hear about economic downturn every day, but it can be easy to forget the human side of hard times. Economic failures are more than statistics on a graph; they are the realities that affect lives. GDP presents these stories in 135 episodes and 53 photo essays. Search the stories by theme--community action, real estate, farming, natural resources--or by using the interactive map. Although the stories are from Canada, their appeal is broader, and they parallel what occurred in many countries.

In the Classroom

This site can put a human face on the numbers for students studying current events, economics, or social studies. The site may also be useful as an example of how to tell stories related to history. Consider asking students to analyze HOW the stories are told, either using film or still photography. How can we use these media to illustrate a historical event? For students considering a History Day exhibit or documentary, these stories may provide inspiration and direction. As Common Core calls on students to engage in digital writing, showing these examples to help students plan student-made media will be more meaningful than simply talking about it.

At Home

Discussing the economy with your son or daughter? This is a great site to share to personalize the economic crisis, no matter where you live. As you and your teen talk about planning for life and career, talking about hard times and how to manage them is as important as making college and career choices. Use these stories as a springboard for conversation.


media literacy, canada, photography,


Current Events, Economics, Geography (US/World), Government/Civics: U.S, History & Culture: The Americas, Social Studies, Social Studies, Writing,