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Grade Range: 8 - 11
This site features the latest discoveries by the scientists of top research universities throughout the US, UK, Canada, and Australia. There is a huge selection of topics to explore. Find current findings and research in the topics of Earth and Environment, Health and Medicine, Science and Technology, and Society and Culture. This free site is funded by the universities partnered in the project solely to share research news directly with the public.
In the Classroom
Enter an email address to receive daily e-news. Use these articles as a way to connect current research to material being studied in class. If you are looking for informational texts to use for Common Core practice, this is a great place to start! Use to highlight the use of the scientific method and the importance of publishing findings. Critique the presentation of data and graphs. Determine if raw data could be presented in a different way. Assign students to choose a research topic from this site and research background information to present as a poster or a multimedia project. Have students make a multimedia presentation using one of the many TeachersFirst Edge tools <a href="/content/edge.cfm?c=16">reviewed here</a>. Include this site in resources for career explorations or science fair inspiration.
At Home
Learn more about the latest scientific discoveries and information at this site. Encourage your student scientist’s curiosity. You might even find potential science fair inspiration.
scientific method, environment, medicine, nutrition, earth,
Astronomy & Space, Biology/Life Science, Careers & Guidance, Chemistry, Current Events, Earth Science/Geology, Engineering/Technology, Physics, Science,