Creator: James Hubbs | visit site
Grade Range: 6 - 11
This site has a number of current magazines available online including Forbes, Scientific American, Men’s Health, and countless others, organized by category. Many could be used for educational purposes (see the Science & Learning section, for example). Other general topics include Arts, Business, Computers, News, Sports, and more. Besides regular magazines, there are a number of columns and blogs by famous people. A few magazines, such as Forbes and Scientific American, display feature article titles when you click on their names, but most open to the magazine home page in a new window.
In the Classroom
For ESL/ELL students, use magazines at this site to teach vocabulary and American culture. For current events classes, display the latest news online on your projector or interactive whiteboard, finding it quickly with just a few clicks. Have groups explore current news headlines and compare coverage or create their own videos (news or infomercials) using a site such as Teachers.TV <a href="/single.cfm?id=9874">reviewed here</a>. This may also be a link that you would want to list on your class website for both students and parents to use at home. If you require current events article summaries each week, your students can use this site to find the latest at no cost. Reading teachers can easily find passages to use for comprehension skills such as main idea, summarizing, inferencing and more, all from current articles and ready to project on your interactive whiteboard for underlining, highlighting and discussion.
At Home
Encourage teen reading by showing them magazines of interest to them available totally online and FREE.
blogs, news, newspapers, blogs, news, newspapers,
Current Events, Current Events, Economics, Economics, Language Arts, Reading, Social Studies, Social Studies, Social Studies, Social Studies, Special Education, English, ESL/ELL, World Languages, World Languages, World Languages, World Languages,