Dynamic Earth Interactive

Creator: Annenberg Media | visit site

Grade Range: 3 - 8

Learn the powerful forces that shape and change the Earth. Dynamic Earth explores the Earth’s Structures, Investigating Plate Tectonics, learning about Plates and Boundaries, and how the plates Slip, Slide, and Collide. Read the information provided, click on the Interactive pictures for more information, and test your knowledge in each section with interactive activities. In the end, test your skills using an online assessment.

In the Classroom

Use this site as an introduction to Geology or Earth Science or as a review of concepts previously learned in class. Use the site as a springboard for additional activities such as mapping where most earthquakes occur. Follow up with ways to prepare for earthquakes, design buildings to withstand earthquakes, or other important topics. Augment technology use in class by having students work in teams to share various aspects of earthquake knowledge for an audience of people living in an earthquake zone using Padlet, <a href="/single.cfm?id=10007">reviewed here</a>.

At Home

Have your son or daughter use this website to review basic Earth Science or Geology topics related to the Earth.


volcanoes, plate tectonics, mountains, geology, earthquakes, earth,


Earth Science/Geology, Science,