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Grade Range: 6 - 11
Learn about simple or complex molecules and see them in 3D. Envision how molecules are put together. Choose various molecules listed along the left. The structural formula in 3D will appear in a window. Remove old structures by clicking the red "X" in their box. Change the rotating molecule by choosing the axis on which it is rotating (x, y, or z.) Remove the atoms, bonds, and colors. Read stats about the molecule. Click PNG to view a static image that can be saved.
In the Classroom
For many students, envisioning how molecules are put together is challenging. Identify how many atoms are put together, including how many bonds they form by using this as an introductory, inquiry activity. Have students use information learned here to create their own models using a drawing program such as, <a href="/single.cfm?id=109">reviewed here</a>, or use more conventional material like marshmallows and gum drops that are always a hit! Identify the atoms in the molecules on this site and research the effects of these molecules in living systems.
At Home
Help your child visualize atoms bonded into molecules with this cool site. Then have your student use information learned here to create their own models using a drawing program such as <a href="/single.cfm?id=17063">reviewed here</a>, or use more conventional material like marshmallows and gum drops.
structures, periodic table, molecules, elements, atoms,