Creator: INFOhio | visit site
Grade Range: 8 - 11
Designed as an interactive online course this site helps high school students develop the sophisticated research skills needed for college and careers, an important component of most standards. The formal research process is broken down into six steps: Ask Good Questions, Finding Information, Selecting the Best, Putting It Together, Your Presentation, and Making the Grade. Students work through a variety of activities linked from outside sites, including reading articles, watching videos, and completing worksheets. Each module is introduced by Voki avatars, <a href="/single.cfm?id=10113">reviewed here</a>. Several popular research tools, such Zotero, <a href="/single.cfm?id=13434">reviewed here</a>, and Evernote, <a href="/single.cfm?id=10550">reviewed here</a>, are introduced. If your district blocks YouTube, the videos may not be viewable.
In the Classroom
R4S would be perfect for use as a blended-learning or the flipped classroom experience for upper high school into the first year of college. You can have students work online, or you can download into your course management system. Have students work through all the steps as part of a research assignment, or use only the parts relevant to them. Teachers need to register to receive the text copy of the helpful teacher’s guide. Use the site in any subject or curriculum area.
At Home
Are your high schoolers overwhelmed by academic research projects? Use R4S to help them get organized and find high-quality resources and tips for completing papers and projects, and skills needed for college and careers.
organizational skills, inquiry, search strategies, media literacy, digital citizenship, evaluating sources, citations, classroom management, Research,
English, Information Literacy/Research, Language Arts, Math, Science, Social Studies, Social Studies, Special Education, Study Skills, Writing,