
Creator: Mr. Parr | visit site

Grade Range: 3 - 8

Explore this rich collection of clever YouTube videos of songs with on-screen lyrics to learn important science concepts! Be sure to check out some pretty clever songs including The Rock Cycle, Chemical Compounds in Cells, and the DNA song. The lyrics to the song are shown below the video on each YouTube page to easily copy and paste for students to follow along. Even if your students roll their eyes at the videos/songs, the concepts (and tunes) will definitely stick in their minds! If your district blocks YouTube, the videos may not be viewable.

In the Classroom

Play songs on an Interactive Whiteboard or Projector for the entire class. Embed videos on your teacher page for review by students. Use these songs as an introduction to units. After viewing a video, brainstorm to identify words students know or are not familiar with. Copy the lyrics into a document and, as you discuss the material in class, encourage students to annotate the lyrics with notes about the content. Be sure to play the video often throughout the unit to reconnect with material. Challenge your more musical students to team up with a class poet to write your own songs-- for extra credit and extra fun! They could use Soundtrap, <a href="/single.cfm?id=16359">reviewed here</a>, for this musical endeavor.

At Home

Does your preteen or teen struggle with remembering science terms and concepts? Be sure to spend time daily reviewing with these great songs which are sure to help the learning process. Sing them in the car on the way to practice or events. Save this site in your favorites (or bookmark) to visit often throughout various science units.


atoms, water cycle, rock cycle, molecules, dna, cells, human body, climate, weather, moon, energy, motion, animals, matter,


Astronomy & Space, Biology/Life Science, Chemistry, Earth Science/Geology, Health, Physics, Science,