International Human Development Indicators

Creator: United Nations Development Programme | visit site

Grade Range: 8 - 11

Use the "Stat Planet" interactive maps to visualize development data around the World. Choose various indicators such as Poverty, Gender Inequality, and more. Change parameters of the graph and map. Use the Indicators and Data Explorer pages on this site to begin research about many factors of human development in the World. View the information in various languages.

In the Classroom

Student groups or the full class can view data and graphs of various indicators and brainstorm questions to understand the data. What factors exist in various countries or areas of the World? What conditions need to change to reverse troubling trends and to create greater equality of individuals in the World? Break these questions down into major focus topics to be researched and presented by members of the class. Since this site can be viewed in numerous languages, use this tool in a world language class. Gain understanding of the factors that influence places you read about in the news and faraway cultures. In government or civics classes, talk about how public policies affect or reflect development data. In math classes, use this site to see how statistics can be applied to decision making and international issues.

At Home

Does your student have an interest in world issues? View this site together to learn more about poverty, gender inequality, and more. Investigate some of the places you hear about in the news.




Biology/Life Science, Current Events, Economics, Geography (US/World), Government/Civics: U.S, History & Culture: World, Math, Science, Social Studies, Social Studies, World Languages, World Languages,