Creator: BBC News | visit site
Grade Range: 3 - 6
Although this site hasn’t been updated for quite awhile, it’s links are functional and the information is informative. Find articles to enhance the understanding of what water is, why we need it, what a shortage is, shortages in developing countries, and what you can do to save water. The site was created in the UK so some of th. e pronunciations and spellings may differ from those in American English and measurements use the metric system. Articles are printable or can be emailed.
In the Classroom
Use the articles for informational reading to help meet Common Core Standards. Be sure to assign a strong reader to a weaker one when reading in class. Use this site for Earth Day activities. View together and brainstorm ideas about how to save water at school and home. Have students brainstorm ideas on a collaborative bulletin board like Scrumblr, <a href="/single.cfm?id=13213">reviewed here</a>, with a quick start- no membership required. Create a campaign for increasing water conservation in school and at home. Survey the school community on their water usage using a tool such as SurveyRock, <a href="/single.cfm?id=15871">reviewed here</a>.
At Home
Use this resource with your family to review and reinforce concepts about water shortages and conservation. Discuss ways your family can conserve water at home, and work together to create a water saving plan.
earth day, water, environment,