Grand Challenges for Engineering

Creator: National Academy of Engineering | visit site

Grade Range: 8 - 11

Grand Challenges for Engineering shares information on several engineering problems that are just waiting for 21st century solutions. Engineering challenge information is presented and followed by a moderated response forum. Anyone may submit ideas, and no registration is required. Share your name and location on the planet, and your comments may be featured in the forum. There are video clips, interactives, ready to go activities, and more. Information about world needs and next steps towards solutions are available. These topics can be controversial, so preview before you share with the class.

In the Classroom

Use Grand Challenges for Engineering topics as class conversation starters in science, biology, and engineering classes and an inspiration to make STEM a possible career choice. Stimulate a rich discussion by previewing the topic to students at the beginning of a week and discussing at the end of the week. Share the videos on your projector or interactive whiteboard. Encourage them to research the idea outside of class, and provide this website as a major source. Have students summarize the concept and the new things that they have learned through the discussion on an exit slip before they leave for the week. Challenge your students to think of other Grand Challenges that we face. In a gifted program these challenges could serve as themes for extended investigations or individual projects.

At Home

If you are into science or world happenings, Grand Challenges for Engineering holds information for you. Read up on current issues that need solutions around the globe. Contribute to the discussion. Share what you are doing with your high school students so they see that the problems we face are serious and important. Ask about their ideas about the problem to start an interesting conversation, even at the dinner table.


STEM, scientific method, nuclear energy, medicine, carbon, mars, critical thinking, problem solving, engineering,


Astronomy & Space, Biology/Life Science, Careers & Guidance, Computer Literacy, Current Events, Earth Science/Geology, Economics, Engineering/Technology, Gifted, Health, Science, Social Studies, Social Studies,