Creator: The Pembima Institute | visit site
Grade Range: 6 - 11
Integrate clean air technology into your physical science units. highlights five basic forms of renewable energy; solar electricity and heat, wind power and energy, and biomass energy. All the necessary background information needed to better understand renewable energy and with a list of valuable links, resources and videos. Included are detailed construction plans for renewable energy models such as a solar oven or wind turbine. The site also addresses larger environmental issues such as global climate change and is dedicated to educating the public on ways to reduce the consumption of natural resources.
In the Classroom
The projects outlined are in simple steps to show students how to create their own renewable energy technologies. This is a wonderful opportunity for students to get hands on experience with engineering, design, and sustainable energy technologies. It also could be a resource for science fair projects.rn<br> <br>rnIf you live in Canada, you can participate in a solar oven design challenge. Teachers from other countries may want to have their class host an on-line collaborative project to compare and contrast the performance of their home made solar ovensrn<br> <br>rnThe website provides a unit plan meant to be completed in 11 class periods. You can download free complete lesson plans with detailed instructions. A student planning worksheet outlines research procedures, project guidelines, timeline for completion dates and evaluation criteria they are expected to meet.
At Home
Learn how to create your own renewable energy technologies. The site presents a wonderful opportunity for your student to get hands on experience with engineering, design, and sustainable energy technologies. It also could be a resource for science fair projects. Canadian residents may enjoy participating in an on-line solar oven design challenge.
sustainability, design, engineering, heat, energy, electricity, climate change, natural resources,
Biology/Life Science, Chemistry, Earth Science/Geology, Physics, Science,