How It Works
This rather specialized resource takes a look at six former political leaders who created entire political regimes: Mussolini, Ceausescu, Hitler, Hirohito, Stalin, and Tito, and examines their respective regime. Concise text, maps, photographs, and sound bytes, contribute to a multimedia experience that provides a clear and compelling introduction to these six political systems. A glossary, series of timelines, and links to related sites make this a very user-friendly site for student research.
In the Classroom
What’s helpful about this site is the list of commonly used vocabulary and terms that can help ESL students or lower-level readers prepare for the unit. Browse the site before beginning a unit and collect a list that would be helpful to such students. Having the lists with them can help them prepare and participate in the classroom setting with more understanding.
Technology Heads-up!
- Find interactive ABC's, colors, etc.
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