8th Grade


A+ Research & Writing Step-by-Step

— Kathryn L. Schwartz

8-11 0 favorites 0 promising practices http://www.ipl.org/div/aplus/stepfirst.htm Last updated: Fri, 08/27/2021 - 11:49 share

How It Works

Do you want to appeal to those students who are afraid of the whole research and writing process? How about those who just don’t know how to pick a topic, or narrow the focus? Are you dreading walking your students through the citation part? This site enables students to go through the process of writing a research paper from choosing a topic through writing the paper, revising, proofreading, and final submission. What makes this site appealing is the use of great graphics and the very simple, one-step-at-a-time approach that makes paper writing less daunting. Links take students to college-specific sites for interactive organizational tools such as mapping and outlining.

In the Classroom

This site helps you help your students and them students to work at their own pace through the pieces that are difficult for them. Use the entire site as a guide for you research process or select different pieces of this site as models when you teach research papers so students can practice right then and there "how to do it." Be sure to include the link on your teacher web page so parents can support students as they approach deadline-panic (and you know some will procrastinate, no matter what you do).

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The Victorian Web

— George P. Landow

8-11 0 favorites 0 promising practices http://www.victorianweb.org/ Last updated: Fri, 08/27/2021 - 11:49 share

How It Works

This site covers the Victorian period (roughly 1837 through 1901) and addresses everything from political and social history to gender matters, authors, periodicals, philosophy, religion, technology, and more. Since this covers much of the development of industry in the Western world, it is an invaluable source for studying the arts and humanities. History teachers who study the Industrial Revolution will like this site for its connections between technology and other areas of society. Note that music is included in the "theatre and popular entertainment" section. The composer of every high school student’s favorite theme song, "Pomp and Circumstance," is included among the profiles. Can you find him/her?

In the Classroom

In English, history, art or music classes, have students research aspects of Victorian times and present those pieces to the class. Everything from dressing up in costume to displaying the appropriate manners is game! Portraying authors, actors, and others at the popular soirées using the language of the time would be a great learning experience for students. In fact, there are more than enough authors and others listed to have quite a party of in full regalia and language. What a dinner party that might be!

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  • Find interactive ABC's, colors, etc.
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Tag(s): evolution, industrial revolution, victorian, victorian,

Essay Exchange Unit

— George Cassutto

8-11 0 favorites 0 promising practices http://commtechlab.msu.edu/sites/letsnet/noframes/subjects/la/b6u1.html Last updated: Fri, 08/27/2021 - 11:49 share

How It Works

This unit plan gives students the opportunity to get feedback on their writing from a totally impartial source. Students research and write position papers on a variety of topics, working step by step from to thesis statement to writing. The students then email their papers via e-mail to other schools and students for feedback. The students’ final papers are posted to the school’s web site for global access.rn<br> <br>While this site does give a template of lessons for students to follow as a guide, teachers have a wide range of flexibility with it. Topics can be about anything of your choosing; the length of time given to the lesson and the type and amount of feedback is controlled. While this project started within the subject of Social Studies, this unit can be used in conjunction with any subject.

In the Classroom

Teachers can adapt the assignment to use other genres of expression to evaluate student performance. All subject area teachers can integrate the procedures listed to develop on-line projects for their students. The ideal places to post papers for feedback and final publication would be on a blog (for comments) or wiki (for collaborative editing and additions).

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  • Donec rutrum congue leo eget malesuada. Mauris blandit aliquet elit, eget tincidunt nibh pulvinar a. Curabitur aliquet quam id dui posuere blandit. Mauris blandit aliquet elit, eget tincidunt nibh pulvinar a.
Tag(s): writing,

U.S. Presidential Speeches Tag Cloud

— Chirag Mehta

8-11 0 favorites 0 promising practices http://chir.ag/phernalia/preztags/ Last updated: Fri, 08/27/2021 - 11:49 share

How It Works

SHOW your students the changes in U.S. presidential politics and policy over time using this "tag cloud" of word frequencies from presidential speeches (and a few before we even HAD a president) 1776-2007. If you have never seen a tag cloud, it is simply a way of using the relative size of words to show the frequency with which that word appears. Slide the slider across the timeline at the top of the tag cloud to see words appear, shrink, disappear, etc from the language of U.S. leaders over time. Note the introduction of new terms (terrorism) and when they appear. What a marvelous way to build perspective on history and awareness of the importance of rhetoric in the role of a leader.

In the Classroom

Share the tag cloud on a projector-- or ideally interactive whiteboard-- as you ask students to hypothesize about the words that appear at key times: the start of a war, after Sept 11, etc. Then include the link on your teacher web page so you can assign them (in or out of class) to write an essay or prepare a visual presentation explaining why certain terms were vital in the political and policy landscape of the times. Using primary sources from the Library of Congress <a href="http://www.teachersfirst.com/single.cfm?id=4238">American Memory Collection</a>, students can create multimedia (PowerPoint or video) shows "portraying" a year, decade, or era and the importance of its tagged words (Word art would make a great way to show the words on screen). rn<br> <br> rnWith the 2008 presidential election quickly approaching, have students analyze presidential speeches and create their own Speech Tag Clouds about the message. Or have students create a "mock" candidate and then design a "tag cloud" about the candidate.rn<br> <br>rnNote that this tag cloud site DOES identify its sources-- something you want to be sure to highlight to your students. Then ask if students think the choice of sources is the best possible--should it include others?

Technology Heads-up!
  • Find interactive ABC's, colors, etc.
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  • Donec rutrum congue leo eget malesuada. Mauris blandit aliquet elit, eget tincidunt nibh pulvinar a. Curabitur aliquet quam id dui posuere blandit. Mauris blandit aliquet elit, eget tincidunt nibh pulvinar a.
  • Donec rutrum congue leo eget malesuada. Mauris blandit aliquet elit, eget tincidunt nibh pulvinar a. Curabitur aliquet quam id dui posuere blandit. Mauris blandit aliquet elit, eget tincidunt nibh pulvinar a.
Tag(s): debate, elections, politics, speech, speeches, debate, elections, politics, speech,

Pearl S. Buck Birthplace

— Michael Condon

8-11 0 favorites 0 promising practices http://www.pearlsbuckbirthplace.com/ Last updated: Fri, 08/27/2021 - 11:49 share

How It Works

If you teach The Good Earth or any other book/story by Pearl Buck, you will find this website a good one for students to explore. An intriguing woman, Buck has several places in the eastern United States that are dedicated to her-- one of which is her birthplace in Hillsboro, West Virginia. The links at the bottom of the page take you around the site easily. (You might want to turn off the music that plays on each page by going to the music control at the bottom of the page and clicking the off button!) The site includes a short biographical sketch as well as many pictures and links to other sites with pictures. Students seem very curious about Buck, and this website has a little bit of everything about her. It is not an in-depth site, but rather an overview, which gives most students all they want to know. For those students who want more, the links will take them further onto the web to investigate more information about the author and her personal life.

In the Classroom

Spend part of a class or a homework assignment for students to find at least three tidbits about Buck that they find interesting in connection with the literature they are reading.

Technology Heads-up!
  • Find interactive ABC's, colors, etc.
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Tag(s): earth,

Putting George on Trial: Taking Of Mice and Men Into the Courtroom

— Sharon B. Jenkins and Jennifer H. Slinger

8-10 0 favorites 0 promising practices http://questgarden.com/80/35/4/090413175852/index.htm Last updated: Fri, 08/27/2021 - 11:49 share

How It Works

This unique webquest takes students to different sites to research their parts in the trial. They learn law definitions and even investigate the motivation of the character of George in the novel "Of Mice and Men." Especially good for lower level students, this site broadens the students’ look beyond just the novel, bringing it into the contemporary world of students who believe they are "law savvy."rn<br> <br>Students love to debate, and this gives them opportunity to do it within a specific format similar to the US justice system. Learning what a bailiff and a court reporter do, as well as a judge, public defender, etc. will be an eye-opening experience for many students. They likely will remember the project much better for having been active participants.

In the Classroom

As you plan to teach the novel, set aside the time to do this webquest, or intersperse the steps during the time spent reading. Students will have more of a purpose in their reading. If you do not teach "Of Mice and Men," consider using some of the links from this webquest to make a similar activity for a "trial" of a character from another book. Most of the work has been done here. Simply create a word processing document with your own directions and the links for students to use or put your new webquest in the form of a PowerPoint show with links from there so students can navigate the task.

Technology Heads-up!
  • Find interactive ABC's, colors, etc.
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  • Donec rutrum congue leo eget malesuada. Mauris blandit aliquet elit, eget tincidunt nibh pulvinar a. Curabitur aliquet quam id dui posuere blandit. Mauris blandit aliquet elit, eget tincidunt nibh pulvinar a.
  • Donec rutrum congue leo eget malesuada. Mauris blandit aliquet elit, eget tincidunt nibh pulvinar a. Curabitur aliquet quam id dui posuere blandit. Mauris blandit aliquet elit, eget tincidunt nibh pulvinar a.
Tag(s): debate, branches of government, literature, civil rights,

Climate Change: Carbon Cycle


4-8 0 favorites 0 promising practices https://archive.epa.gov/climatechange/kids/basics/today/carbon-dioxide.html Last updated: Fri, 08/27/2021 - 11:49 share

How It Works

This user-friendly site provides a detailed explanation of the carbon cycle and its relationship to climate change. Students will be able to visualize the cycle by using the pictures and diagrams in conjunction with the reading. Students can follow up with the quiz/review at the end of the reading. Print size is small, and attention to detail is a necessity while reading this site.

In the Classroom

Share this site on a projector with the entire class or make it avilable for review as a link from your teacher web page. If your projector can ZOOM in on the small "movie" frame, students will be more able to read the small print.

Technology Heads-up!
  • Find interactive ABC's, colors, etc.
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  • Donec rutrum congue leo eget malesuada. Mauris blandit aliquet elit, eget tincidunt nibh pulvinar a. Curabitur aliquet quam id dui posuere blandit. Mauris blandit aliquet elit, eget tincidunt nibh pulvinar a.
  • Donec rutrum congue leo eget malesuada. Mauris blandit aliquet elit, eget tincidunt nibh pulvinar a. Curabitur aliquet quam id dui posuere blandit. Mauris blandit aliquet elit, eget tincidunt nibh pulvinar a.
Tag(s): carbon,

Women in Poetry

— Carolyn Kohli/The Academy of American Poets

8-11 0 favorites 0 promising practices https://www.poets.org/poetsorg/lesson/women-poetry Last updated: Fri, 08/27/2021 - 11:49 share

How It Works

This unit (an extensive set of lesson plans) uses both critical writing and the Internet to explore women in poetry. It helps to make students familiar with the work of women poets and confident in understanding poetry. Students get practice reading poems critically, learn technical poetry vocabulary, do research on the web, write responses, and more. Examples of themes explored in the unit include "Entering the Darkness Out of Childhood," "Voices of the Mothers," and "The Body Electric." The culminating project is creating a webpage. The lesson plans are very detailed, so that even teachers reluctant about teaching poetry will engage their students with this literary form.

In the Classroom

Choose the lesson options that best meet your needs and time limits or simply use the research and project portions. Although the site suggests making a web page on your school server, a wiki would be an easy place to create the culminating projects.

Technology Heads-up!
  • Find interactive ABC's, colors, etc.
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  • Donec rutrum congue leo eget malesuada. Mauris blandit aliquet elit, eget tincidunt nibh pulvinar a. Curabitur aliquet quam id dui posuere blandit. Mauris blandit aliquet elit, eget tincidunt nibh pulvinar a.
Tag(s): women, poetry,


— Shmoop

8-11 0 favorites 0 promising practices https://www.shmoop.com/frankenstein/ Last updated: Fri, 08/27/2021 - 11:49 share

How It Works

This lesson site for the novel <i>Frankenstein</i> offers a variety of activities, themes, a summary, discussion questions, and a lot more for this story. Monster stories are popular with teenagers, and Shelley’s <i>Frankenstein</i> is not what they expect it to be. However, this website provides motivation for students to delve into and discuss the meaning of true "monsters."

In the Classroom

This site includes standards, procedures, and extensions for studying Frankenstein as well as an intersting way to approach a trial for student discussion. Certainly worth a look for anyone who teaches this novel. The link to the "Penetrating the Secrets of Nature" site would be a great one to share on a projector or interactive whiteboard as an anticipatory set or activator as you start this novel unit.

Technology Heads-up!
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  • Donec rutrum congue leo eget malesuada. Mauris blandit aliquet elit, eget tincidunt nibh pulvinar a. Curabitur aliquet quam id dui posuere blandit. Mauris blandit aliquet elit, eget tincidunt nibh pulvinar a.
  • Donec rutrum congue leo eget malesuada. Mauris blandit aliquet elit, eget tincidunt nibh pulvinar a. Curabitur aliquet quam id dui posuere blandit. Mauris blandit aliquet elit, eget tincidunt nibh pulvinar a.
Tag(s): halloween, literature,

Sondheim: Voice of Cultural Change

— Jayne Karsten

8-11 0 favorites 0 promising practices http://artsedge.kennedy-center.org/content/2198/ Last updated: Fri, 08/27/2021 - 11:48 share

How It Works

Are you looking for a site that will incorporate history with cultural change and literature? This site helps students explore reasons for cultural change in the late 19th century and the last four decades of the 20th century, examine the impact of cultural change on themes and forms of fine and performing arts, consider specific ways the two musicals under examination address the "social ills" of the late 19th century and contemporary life, explore the connection between the cultural climate of modern life and the "fractured" form in the fine and performing arts as well as theories about archetypal patterns embedded in fairy tales.In five 45-minute classes, these lessons explicate various components of two Sondheim musicals, giving attention to specific ways songs, music scores, narrative and theme interrelate.The two musicals considered are <i>Sweeney Todd</i> and <i>Into the Woods</i>, both musicals that use literature as their base.

In the Classroom

Especially interesting for Humanities students and teachers, students can initiate design and performance activities related to musical theater, strengthen process skills of reading, writing, and analysis, and exercise oral and collaborative skills through assignments of formal essays, oral presentations, and special project topics. If your students have access to tools to create videos, this set of lessons could lead to a terrific script-writing and video production activity.rnrn

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  • Donec rutrum congue leo eget malesuada. Mauris blandit aliquet elit, eget tincidunt nibh pulvinar a. Curabitur aliquet quam id dui posuere blandit. Mauris blandit aliquet elit, eget tincidunt nibh pulvinar a.