Creator: Youglish | visit site

Grade Range: 6 - 11

This simple, widget-like site lets you hear the pronunciation of English words by viewing YouTube videos of native speakers. YOUGLISH gives English, spoken by real people and in context. Type in a single word or phrase, choose UK, US, or all pronunciations, then a captioned video appears in the results and starts playing automatically. Additional results are available by clicking an arrow button below the video. YOUGLISH has a Restricted Mode you can use in the classroom. When activated the Restricted Mode will stay activated for any other sessions until deactivated. A logo with (RM) will appear when you are in Restricted Mode. If your district blocks YouTube; the videos may not be viewable. <b>WARNING: Inappropriate words can be entered, and adult-level content results returned. Be sure to discuss expectations and consequences with students before allowing them to use this site on their own. If you are sharing videos with the class, always preview!</b>

In the Classroom

YOUGLISH is a helpful site for ELL/ESL learners or students encountering new words for the first time. Be sure to activate the Restricted Mode on all devices using YOUGLISH. Look for the (RM) logo while students are using this tool. Since inappropriate content can be search and displayed, this is best used with teacher direction as a group activity, perhaps using an interactive whiteboard or projector.

At Home

Use this site together with your middle school and older son or daughter.


dictionaries, pronunciation, vocabulary,


English, ESL/ELL, Special Education,