Virtual Tidepool

Creator: NOAA | visit site

Grade Range: 3 - 8

Learn the basics about tidepools through images and short text explanations at the Virtual Tidepool. Viewers have an introduction to tidepool features through three components: Tidepools, Challenges, and Inhabitants and Adaptations. Scroll down the page to view the images and hover your mouse over captions and red dots to learn more about specific features and survival strategies.

In the Classroom

Include the Virtual Tidepool with your other resources for teaching about biomes and oceans. Share the images and information with students on an interactive whiteboard or with a projector. Before hovering over captions or red dots ask students to predict what the information is. As students share questions about tidepools use an online sticky note tool like Sticky Notes: Just Popped Up!, <a href="/single.cfm?id=18084">reviewed here</a>, to save their questions and research information throughout your unit. Have students create their own interactive images about tidepools using Thinglink, <a href="/single.cfm?id=13216">reviewed here</a>, to add text, video, and more to their own image.

At Home

Explore this site with your student to learn more about the features of tidepools. If you are lucky enough to live near a beach, or go to one on vacation, look for tidepools to find out more about them in person.


tides, marine biology, oceans, biomes,


Biology/Life Science, Science,