Creator: Jaan Altosaar | visit site
Grade Range: 6 - 11
Useful Science is a newsfeed of one-sentence summaries of articles from peer-reviewed scientific publications and journals. Browse through the home page for the newest summaries. View content sorted by topics: Creativity, Fitness, Happiness, Healthy, Nutrition, Sleep, Parenting, and more. Click the summary to view the entire journal article (or abstract). Some of the summaries link to the entire journal article, while others only offer an abstract of the full text. Warning: Some of these articles are not appropriate for less-mature students. Please remember to preview before you share.
In the Classroom
Use Useful Science on a projector or whiteboard as an excellent source for quick scientific facts or trivia. Share this site with students as a resource for finding ideas for science fairs or research. Challenge students to explore topics further and find additional articles supporting or disputing summaries found on the site. Have students create a simple infographic sharing their findings using Venngage, <a href="/single.cfm?id=13706">reviewed here</a>. Viewers can also add unmoderated comments.
At Home
Share Useful Science with your student as an interesting way to explore the latest scientific findings. If your student is looking for ideas for science projects, browse through Useful Science for interesting topics to explore.
creativity, fitness, parents, nutrition, science fairs, trivia,
Biology/Life Science, Current Events, Family and Consumer Science, Health, Parent Information, Science,