Trench Warfare Simulation

Creator: Mr. Harms | visit site

Grade Range: 8 - 11

Try to break the stalemate on the Western Front with this interactive simulation. Use strategy and problem-solving skills to gain victory over the enemy. Download the materials in a zip file including student and teacher instructions, a battle calculator, and a Western Front Map. Be sure to watch the video for a demonstration of how to use the materials as a battle simulation. If your district blocks YouTube, the video may not be viewable.

In the Classroom

Directions on the site provide two ways for using the simulation - as a whole class activity or by dividing students into groups competing against each other. Be sure to take some time to try out this simulation before sharing with students; even when viewing the video, the directions may not be easy to follow. This would be an excellent project for gifted students. Provide them the link to the site and the materials and allow them to learn how to use the simulation and teach it to fellow students. Using this site as a resource, have gifted students create their own simulation for other famous battles. Invite students use a mapping tool such as Zeemaps, <a href="/single.cfm?id=15592">reviewed here</a>, to identify locations of battles during any conflict. Zeemaps allows students to create audio recordings AND place a marker location (on a map) where the story takes place.

At Home

Share this site with your son or daughter who enjoys history and simulated activities. Learn together how to use the activities to break the stalemate on the Western Front.


world war 1, battles, france,


Geography (US/World), History & Culture: Europe, Social Studies, Social Studies,