Creator: New York Times | visit site
Grade Range: 8 - 11
#ThisIs18 is an interactive photo essay from the New York Times that shares images of everyday life for 18-year-old girls around the world. Pictures and interviews conducted by young women accompanied by professional mentors produce the content shared in this interactive. A look at girls’ lives across 15 languages including 21 subjects providing an insightful snapshot into their everyday life across the globe.
In the Classroom
Be sure to allow some time for students to explore all of the information shared in this incredible interactive. After students have looked through this site on their own, take a deeper look together by displaying the site on your interactive whiteboard and discussing together as a class. Have student share the portions that had the deepest impact on them, compare and contrast their everyday life to those in the interactive, and define topics for further exploration. Use this site as a starting point for a biography project or unit on cultures within your school or community. One great resource for starting a biography and enhancing student learning is the Cube Creator, <a href="/single.cfm?id=15265">reviewed here</a>. Instead of just using written notes, extend students’ learning by challenging them to take audio recordings of interviews using Vocaroo, <a href="/single.cfm?id=9921">reviewed here</a>. Use #ThisIs18 as a model to create your own interactive sharing student interviews and biographies. Sway, <a href="/single.cfm?id=16373">reviewed here</a>, is an excellent multimedia tool to enhance learning and for publishing and sharing content. Include audio and video interviews, student writing, and more to create your storytelling project.
At Home
Share this site with your teenage sons and daughters and discuss as a family the different lives that girls live around the world. Encourage them to research and explore further what it is like to live in different areas of the world.
women, cultures, cross cultural understanding,
Current Events, Geography (US/World), Social Studies, Social Studies,