Teaching Tree

Creator: teachingtree.co | visit site

Grade Range: 8 - 11

Teaching Tree is a free resource for learning about computer science. View videos organized into five categories with dozens of topics inside each category. Main categories include Algorithms and Data Structures, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Databases, Graphics and Animation, and Programming Languages. Most topics have 10+ specific lessons. University professors provide most videos that are a mix of short and long tutorials. Find tags within the longer videos to key concepts that they contain. Clicking on a tag jumps you to the spot in the lecture that addresses the concept you want to learn about.

In the Classroom

Use Teaching Tree as a great resource for students who want to learn about computer science on their own. This is a great tool to share with students considering a major in computer science in college or wondering about computer careers. If you teach computer science courses, Teaching Tree could be useful for locating review materials to share with your students. You may also consider having your students search for or create videos to share on Teaching Tree and then tag them to help other people learn from their work. Use a tool such as SchoolTube <a href="/single.cfm?id=9437">reviewed here</a>.

At Home

Share this site with your student who is interested in learning about computer science, possibly as a major in college.


computers, data,


Careers & Guidance, Computer Literacy, Gifted, Science,