Creator: EDSITEment | visit site
Grade Range: 2 - 6
This online unit plan includes seven lesson plans plus extension activities. The topics all relate to the Statue of Liberty and national symbols. Specific lesson plan topics include "Isn’t it Symbolic," "A Mighty Women with a Torch," "Built-in Symbols," "Using the Symbol," "Choose a Symbol, any Symbol," "Create a Symbol," "The United States Symbol," and various lesson extensions. There are objectives provided, but formal standards are not listed. Many of the lesson plans include interactive components.
In the Classroom
If you are learning about the Statue of Liberty or national symbols in general, visit this useful online unit. Even if you don’t have time to complete the entire unit, you can "cherry pick" the good stuff. The activities are ready to go and very simple to use. Why not use your interactive whiteboard to share some of the unique pictures and activities available at this website.
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