Creator: Sozo Exchange | visit site
Grade Range: 8 - 11
Sozo offers daily online broadcasts for learning English. Older teens and adults will enjoy learning English through daily feature videos, pronunciation assists, and interview clips which include lesson features and online review exercises. You can contribute to online surveys, learn idioms, and take quizzes with free registration. Subject matter is designed for teens and adults.
In the Classroom
This is a great find for independent ESL/ELL students who want to improve their oral comprehension and knowledge of vocabulary along with its idiomatic language and slang expressions. Keep the link to this program on your computers at school and on your web page for home use, too. Parents wanting to learn English could use this site too!
At Home
Learn English along with your children by checking out this site daily. Watch the videos together and choose a lesson to work on together.
listening, news, vocabulary development, pronunciation, idioms, figurative language,
Current Events, English, ESL/ELL, Language Arts, Social Studies, Social Studies, Special Education,