Creator: Guardian Weekend Magazine | visit site
Grade Range: 8 - 11
What are the seven digital deadly sins? This site explores digital sins through videos and personal stories. Learn how envy has led to social media users feeling inadequate with their own life circumstances, or how digital access stops some users from personal interactions. Click on any image to open the topic and view each personal story. <b>Be very careful if using this in a classroom as there are discussions of items not appropriate for all viewers.</b>
In the Classroom
Be very careful if using this in a classroom as there are discussions of items not appropriate for general consumption, and may be more appropriate as inspiration for discussing the main "sins" in your classroom. At a minimum, be sure to view and screen portions of the site for appropriateness before sharing with students. Have students create an online graph using ChartGizmo, <a href="/single.cfm?id=16199">reviewed here</a>, to analyze their digital usage. Share ideas and reflections comparing the positives of digital media versus the negative impacts. Exchange information from the site with your colleagues and school counselors as part of any professional development or discussions about the use of social media and digital tools. Share with parents who have concerns about their student’s digital usage.
At Home
Share portions of this site with your son or daughter as you discuss how to use digital media appropriately. Be sure to view this site on your own before sharing, as there are portions with discussions that are not appropriate for all viewers and ages.
professional development, digital citizenship, social media,
Character Education, Computer Literacy, Current Events, Parent Information, Professional,