Creator: Mr. Allan | visit site
Grade Range: 6 - 11
Find terrific resources for chemistry and biology classes at this informational site. You’ll find PowerPoints, procedures for labs, and general notes. This site was originally designed to be one teacher’s online classroom spot. However, the resources are very helpful in teaching chemistry, biology, and science in general, and this teacher is willing to share.
In the Classroom
Use the printables in your classroom when students do not have easy access to the internet. Try something more adventurous by showing a chemistry video on your interactive whiteboard. To use this site even further, have students try out a virtual lab tool as an alternative to a hands on lab assignment. Assign groups to different (specific) topics and challenge the groups to present their lab and results by creating a multimedia presentation using one of the many TeachersFirst Edge tools <a href="/content/edge.cfm?c=16">reviewed here</a>. Make this link available as an alternate way to look at concepts when students are "stuck" or confused.
At Home
Looking for chemistry or biology homework help for your student? This is the place. Click away to find resources that will reinforce and support concepts your student has been taught in chemistry and biology.