Safe Teens

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Grade Range: 6 - 11

This site is the teen partner to Its additional offerings include a wonderful cyber-dictionary parents can use when they are totally puzzled by acronyms their children are using in email, chat rooms, and text messaging (Note: the language is realistically what some teens use---asterisks replace "bad" words, but the abbreviations could teach the timid more than they want to know). Highlights for teens include tips about safe blogging, warnings about grooming, general Internet safety info, and accompanying info for parents. A link to allows users to report abuses and suspicious behavior that might occur on blogging or social network sites. Links to current articles about Internet misuse keep the site current.

In the Classroom

Use this site as the starting point when teens have questions about blogging, cyber safety, and correct Internet behavior so they know what to watch for should something unethical occur. Be sure to share it with parents via your teacher web page or at open house, as well. As you begin web-based activities in class, take the time to repeat the basics found here, even if another teacher is supposed to "cover" this topic.

At Home

Use this site to open discussion about safety. Don’t pretend to know what you do not know. Your teens can tell if you are "faking it." Be honest about your safety concerns, and allow your teen to talk openly without penalty.


chat, internet safety, safety, social networking, chat, internet safety, safety,


Professional, Computer Literacy,