S-Cool - Physics GCSE

Creator: S-Cool! | visit site

Grade Range: 6 - 11

This website provides review ("revision" in the UK) for numerous physics concepts taught in secondary sciecne. Utilize the resource to simplify the complexities of physics. There are nine different guides/mini-units on various physics topics. Some of the specific topics include energy transfers, properties of waves, radioactivity and more. The website features animation, interactive challenges, lessons, explicit details about the physics concepts and other educational activities. An FYI for U.S. teachers: GCSE stands for General Certificate of Secondary Education (UK). The interactive activities require Flash, get it from the <a href="/tools.cfm ">TeachersFirst Toolbox page.</a>.

In the Classroom

Many of these activities could be overview-introductions on an interactive whiteboard or projector. You will definitely want to share this resources on your teacher web page for students to use as test revew for your class. Be sure to tell them which modules to use to fit your content! More able and curious science students who wish to "self-teach" on their own will appreciate the modules as tutorials. Teachers of gifted should share them with their science enthusiasts from grade 5 and up.

At Home


magnetism, forces, energy, electricity,


Gifted, Physics, Science,