Rich Blocks, Poor Blocks

Creator: RichBlocksPoorBlocks | visit site

Grade Range: 6 - 11

Use this tool to find the median household income of the US by each Census tract. Search by city or state. Or click the "little orange man" and drag him to the location you want to view on the US map. You will be taken to "Street View" (see the street up close) to view the income for that exact block. Find the median income by color blocks.

In the Classroom

Propose reasons for the differences in median income in a particular area or state. Research industry, agriculture, level of education, and other factors to determine the reasons. Investigate at the nearby ports and natural resources. Why do certain parts of the country have higher incomes and/or costs of living? How is income connected to education level? Students can identify patterns that exist among the data. They can form hypotheses about why. Create a campaign to bridge the wage gap by suggesting ideas to increase salaries in areas. Have students create a simple infographic sharing their findings using, <a href="/single.cfm?id=13619">reviewed here</a> or Venngage <a href="/single.cfm?id=13706">reviewed here</a>. Teachers of gifted will find "rich" possibilities for discussion from this site.

At Home

Explore your hometown or locations where friends and family live. Use this site to spark a family discussion about financial issues and priorities. Why do certain parts of the country have higher incomes and/or costs of living? How is income connected to education level? What personal choices affect a family’s standard of living?


census, maps,


Current Events, Economics, Geography (US/World), Gifted, Government/Civics: U.S, Math, Social Studies, Social Studies,