Remember the Great Depression

Creator: Dr. Nancy Deal | visit site

Grade Range: 4 - 8

<i>Remembering the Great Depression</i> is a literacy based webquest that includes both non-fiction and fiction literature that focuses on developing students’ understanding of the Depression era and the literature set during the period. Featured literature includes <i>Memoirs from the Depression</i>, <i>Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry</i>, and <i>To Kill a Mockingbird</i>.rn

In the Classroom

Use the activities and quizzes from this webquest to supplement your classroom book study. Each piece of literature includes activities, quizzes, writing prompts and more. Have students create their own book study gleaning ideas from the set up of the included book studies. Have cooperative learning groups (or individual students) choose a specific piece of literature and complete some of the activities. Take it a step further and have students create multimedia projects as a culminating activity. Challenge groups or individuals to create online books using a tool such as Bookemon, <a href="/single.cfm?id=10404">reviewed here</a>.rn<br><br>rnNote: Some of the links don’t work on the KWL page, so teachers using the site will need to find replacement sites for students. rn

At Home

Have your student use this site during the summer to support a book study.


great depression, literature, great depression, literature,


Language Arts, American History, Reading,