Records Pertaining to John G. Roberts

Creator: National Archives | visit site

Grade Range: 8 - 11

This collection of records of the professional career of John Roberts offers an interesting, if daunting, primary resource for examining the Supreme Court nominee’s past decisions. AP history or government students may find this one a useful research tool.

In the Classroom

Too often in the upper levels students have extreme problems interpreting and comprehending decisions and memorandums written by Congress of the Supreme Court. Use this site to help students get accustomed and assimilated to the language and writing style commonly used in Judicial writings. And activity such as this would be useful before interpreting important court decisions such as Plessy v. Ferguson or Brown v Board of Education. Open the site on the interactive whiteboard or projector, and open one of the memorandums written by Judge Roberts. Analyze with students each of the seperate sections or paragraph to give them familiarity. Teachers can leave it at this, or have students practice writing their own memorandums after wards, using one of his as an example.

At Home


supreme court, supreme court,


Current Events, Current Events, Social Studies, Social Studies, Government/Civics: U.S,