Reading Treks: Refugee

Creator: TeachersFirst | visit site

Grade Range: 5 - 8

TeachersFirst Reading Treks create a virtual field trip of resources about a piece of literature or text using the My Maps feature of Google Maps. This Reading Trek provides inspiration and suggestions for using Refugee, written by Alan Gratz. Use the robust teaching guide with students in grades 6-9 as they learn about the struggles of Joseph and his family as they escape from Nazi Germany. Content correlates to Common Core Standards, ISTE Student Standards, and National Curriculum Standards for Social Studies. Find the entire selection of Reading Treks <a href="/reading-treks ">here</a>.

In the Classroom

Take advantage of the many ideas offered on this Reading Trek to enhance and extend student learning. Use virtual field trips offered online to take students to places around the world to learn more about world populations and immigration. <a href="/spectopics/virtualfieldtrips.cfm">This</a> TeachersFirst Special Topics page provides a curated list of free virtual field trips from around the world. Offer students a variety of digital storytelling tools to share their knowledge of immigration. Some free options include Wakelet, <a href="/single.cfm?id=17619">reviewed here</a>, UtellStory, <a href="/single.cfm?id=14414">reviewed here</a>, and Google My Maps, <a href="/single.cfm?id=18096">reviewed here</a>.

At Home

TeachersFirst Reading Treks include many ideas that correlate with the reading material. Share these ideas with your student to use with book reports and class projects. Read Refugee together with your student and share your family’s immigration story.


immigrants, immigration, germany, world war 2, europe,


Geography (US/World), History & Culture: Europe, Language Arts, Reading, Social Studies, Social Studies, Writing,