Creator: Richard Guidone | visit site
Grade Range: 2 - 8
This site developed from the Yale-New Haven Teachers’ Institute offers some tried and true as well as new ways to get children writing painlessly. It walks a teacher through rationale and procedures and offers lessons for different lengths of writing, etc. Guidone offers some creative ways to get kids writing, especially reluctant learners who might need a little prodding of the imagination! While you may be familiar with some of the methods, his combinations can be surprising and thought-provoking. Definitely worth a look, despite the simple, text-only appearance of the page.
In the Classroom
Mark this one as a Favorite so you can find a writing prompt at a moment’s notice. These idas would work well with blogs or journals. You cna also use the prompts to model writing techniques on an interactive whiteboard-- always a motivator!
At Home
writing prompts, writing, process writing,