Creator: Morphbank | visit site
Grade Range: 6 - 11
Find a growing database of high quality images used by science researchers. Photographs also include those taken under the microscope. You can use these images as long as you include the copyright information from the copyright link. These are beautiful images for use in science!
In the Classroom
Use these images of organisms and nature to illustrate concepts or ask visual questions. Use in student projects, on wikis or blogs, or anywhere a great picture is needed. Use to generate essays about the different types of organisms or have students make a "wanted" poster that discusses the habitat and niche of the various organisms. Use pictures when discussing characteristics of life or the classification of various organisms. Create simple drag and drop sorting activities for interactive whiteboard using these images to assess class understanding of different characteristics or classifications. Use this activity with one of the student centered <a href="/iste/iwb/tips.cfm">activity formats </a> from our <i>Hands Off, Vanna ideas for student centered use of your interactive whiteboard</i>.
At Home
Share these amazing images with your student. Discuss the images together. Share images of bugs and plants that you may find in your backyard or around your town.
photography, images, cells, microorganisms,