Creator: The Science Spot | visit site
Grade Range: 4 - 8
This straightforward, simple site contains lessons on length, density, mass, volume, and conversions that include PowerPoint lessons, students activity worksheets, and more. PowerPoints must be downloaded to your computer (assuming you have PowerPoint software), and most other activities are in PDF form. There is a short explanation of each lesson and lab activity included before going to the link to download information. Most activities are geared toward middle high students and have been chosen to help maintain interest. Be sure to check out the gummy bear lab (incorporates metric measurements when a gummy bear is soaked in water overnight), mystery canisters (float and sink), and the Metric Mania card game. Many links to other metric activities are also included in the site.
In the Classroom
Introduce and present lessons on your interactive whiteboard using the PowerPoints provided and the accompanying student worksheets. Use these ready to go lessons to "spruce up" your metric lessons. Ask students to design their own metric measurement lab using ordinary items from around their home. Then have the class try some and record the results on a class wiki.
At Home
Do your rainy day activities measure up to fun learning experiences? Download a PDF for ideas for a Metric Olympics to compete with your family or community group to review metric concepts. Challenge your young chef to convert recipes from one system to the other as they make dinner or a snack.
mass, conversions, density, measurement, volume,