Mem Fox: Teaching, Learning, Living

Creator: Mem Fox | visit site

Grade Range: - 6

This author page features plenty of ideas about how to help kids enjoy reading and includes many stories. Hear Mem Fox reading her own stories (click Hear Mem Read Aloud). She gives advice on how to read to children and gives great examples. This author page has many good suggestions for promoting literacy and love of reading. There is also a section of advice on writing your own picture book for children, an excellent writing activity for upper elementary and middle school students. Parts of this site require Quick Time. Get it from the <a href="/tools.cfm ">TeachersFirst Toolbox page.</a>.

In the Classroom

Create shortcut to Mem reading aloud on your classroom computer for a center activity for primary grades, and place a copy of Mem’s book there for students to follow along. Print out Mem’s suggestions for reading aloud to give to parents at conferences or share this site on your teacher home page for parent and students to access from home. For older students, this site is an excellent resource for planning cross-grade reading activities for Read Across America or other special times, including having middle school students write picture books for young students, then share them at an in-person visit or on a podcast recording.PowerPoint slides are an easy way to "create" and share large format picture books electronically.

At Home

Find great ideas for reading aloud or let Mem read her own stories aloud from your computer speakers as you and your child look at the books and listen together.


authors, literacy,


English, ESL/ELL, Language Arts, Reading, Writing,