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Grade Range: 5 - 8

The MATHCOUNTS Foundation is a non-profit organization striving to engage middle school students of all ability and interest levels in enjoyable and challenging math programs. This site offers a large variety of resources for both students and educators. View programs to find information about The National Math Club, Math Video Challenge, and the MATHCOUNTS competition series. Discover the Solve-a-Thon fundraising program to create fundraising pages for your program and school. Be sure to explore the Resources portion of the site. Find a Problem of the Week including extensive archives, an electronic school handbook featuring 300 problems correlated to NCTM grade 6-8 standards, and MATHCOUNTS minis - a series of short video explanations of MATHCOUNTS problems. This site includes YouTube videos. If your district blocks YouTube, then they may not be viewable.

In the Classroom

Be sure to bookmark this site for use throughout the school year. Share with the head of the math department and other math teachers as a valuable resource. Consider creating a fundraising page using the Solve-a-Thon program to raise funds for manipulatives and classroom resources. Include the problem of the week on your class webpage or blog as homework or extra credit. Include links to video explanations of problems on your class webpage to reinforce current learning concepts.

At Home

Bookmark and save this site as a tremendous resource for finding math problems for use when reviewing concepts taught at school. Consider sharing activities found on this site as part of Math Night Activities at your school.


video, competitions, problem solving,


Algebra, Geometry, Math,