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Grade Range: 6 - 11
This free tool is designed to help high school students prepare for state standardized testing, better understand college admissions and financial planning, and generally help prepare for their futures. Preparation for these types of exams can greatly increase scores, so why not use a free, already created tool. Sign up as a student, teacher, or parent/mentor. A logged-in user can access state standardized test preparations, SAT and ACT practice tests, flashcards for ACT and SAT test preparation, Zero Hour Threat (a cool video game to help increase ACT and SAT scores as part of the college entrance process), and college planning tips.
In the Classroom
Use this in junior and senior level courses to help students who are college bound prepare for SAT and ACT exams. It saves time and helps kids, no one can argue with those advantages. Try using this with younger high school (or even middle school) aged students in a gifted program to provide enrichment and early practice for early test takers. Be certain to provide this link on your class website for students to access at home.
At Home
Have students approaching college age that need extra guidance or test preparation? Are you trying to go back to college or enter college yourself? Use this to get ready for the adventure. Practice tests are good and find helpful tips in the college planning section of this website.
Careers & Guidance, English, Gifted, Language Arts, Math, Parent Information, Reading, Science, Social Studies, Social Studies, Study Skills, TeachersFirst Edge, Writing,