Creator: National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences | visit site
Grade Range: 8 - 11
These lesson plans take an authentic approach to understanding air quality. Select the Education for a good over view of the activities and resources. Choose from several lessons where students learn about what’s in the air and investigate air quality in their school or community. Aligned to National Standards.
In the Classroom
Have students contribute what they discover about air quality from these activities by keeping and updating an air quality bulletin board. Use a tool such as Padlet, reviewed here. Padlet allows you to create columns for posting in categories. Add columns to sort information about air composition, i.e. gasses, chemicals, particulate matter, etc. Exchange paper and pen and have students create blogs sharing their air quality learning process using Site123, reviewed here. If you are teaching younger students and looking for an easy way to integrate technology and check for understanding, replace pencil and paper and challenge your students to create a blog using Seesaw, reviewed here. Challenge cooperative learning groups to create videos demonstrating their inquiry science activities. If you are less experienced with technology use with your students, a tool such as Powtoon, reviewed here.
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