Literature Network

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Grade Range: 8 - 11

This searchable resource offers an incredible collection of literary works including hundreds of full books, short stories, and poems with related biographical information about the authors. Other features include a database of quotations and a carefully monitored literature forum - appropriate for teachers or serious high school literature students. Visitors can even sign up for a free "Sonnet a Day" newsletter that will provide some Shakespearean enlightenment in the form of a daily email.

In the Classroom

Use the quizzes on this site to test what students already know or are learning amidst a unit. Quizzes can be found within each author’s heading, and relate to each major piece of work of the author. If letting students complete the quizzes online, make sure to save the site as a favorite on classroom computers, making it easier for them to navigate there.

At Home


authors, literature, quotations, sonnets, authors, literature, quotations, sonnets,


English, Language Arts,